Even being one of the most energy-wealthy nations in the world, with abundant resources of oil and hydroelectic technology, will not save you from the torment of poor management. It is such poor management that has contributed to the blackouts that have characterized much of Venezuela's energy problems over the past two years. Since, six nationwide blackouts have ocurred, and water is continually decreasing in supply. The government believes that the problem will be solved by making all uses of energy more expensive to its already poor residents, rather than making their power distributors more effective. All efforts to build new plants are slow moving and the president seems to believe that mocking his citizens as obsessive consumers will dissuade further consumption of energy. Like Castro once did in Cuba, Chavez travelled around his nation condemning all signs of luxury, or oligarchs (upper class): swimming pools, obese people, gardens, etc. Renewable energy plans were halted and the president refuses to use their oil reserves, as they are difficult to extract from the Earth. This simply shows the negligence and apathy shown by the Mexican government concerning public services, which is quite odd for a Socialist nation founded upon ideas of offering uniform, equal services for all to enjoy and profit from.
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