The triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

This Frontline Special followed up on the Rwandan genocide and the question of whether or not it is the obligation of Democratic nations to intervene in these events. Though the United States may have stated its desire to maintain their respect of state sovereignty as their reason for ignoring the events occuring in these nations, the Clinton administration simply had no interest in Rwandan affairs. There were no natural reasources they were gaining from this region that would make the country of any concern to the US, and so they allowed the genocide to occur, thinking that it would eventually sink into oblivion. But the massacre ended up being much more devastating than expected. Still, Clinton officials were too afraid to call the event a genocide, since many believed using strong words such as this may affect the outcome of upcoming congressional elections. When Clinton finally went to Rwanda to give his apologies for the lack of concern the international community had for the terror that occured in their nation, he used the word "genocide" eleven times.
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