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November 16, 2009
The UN had always been a major concern of the United States in terms of management issues. The US found the first loophole in the system by withholding their funding. This gave the United States a “theoretical veto” by introducing the use of consensus and results based budgeting. The one vote structure gives smaller nations way more for what they contribute to the organization. These nations are the US’s biggest opposition when it comes to efforts to create reforms. The UN’s credibility problem can only be solved by greater transparency and accountability. Only then will America begin to see the legitimacy of this organization. The questions that need to be answered in order to improve the quality of the UN include: What is the UN supposed to do? Uphold and protect the rights of people all across the globe, and all other things of humanitarian character. It is clear that the organization is not doing this, since there have been 300 wars since its founding, yet it has only been involved in preventing two of these. What must be done for the UN to return to its original intention? What means are available for accomplishing this goal and what is the best option? You can’t change the charter since that would lead to a decades-long fight. Instead, the US should withdraw from things they don’t approve and watch the UN try to change that organization to better fit the standards of the US. Democracy driven caucuses should also be created to unite countries with common interests in reform. Membership qualifications should be stricter to include only peace loving, non aggressive nations that do not continually break international law. The UN needs to “clean house”.
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