The caption of the picture above read "A man lay wounded after a shot in the head during another rally in July." It looks more fatal to me.

The picture to the right is one of the most awkward photos I've ever seen. The guy looks like he's on the phone while everyone's getting bludgeoned and the caption reads that this was a "pro-Zelaya student demonstration", while most of these people look to be professors.
Ever since President Zelaya's exile, security forces have attempted to fend off protest by beating or arresting people found associated with any form of opposition. Eleven people have been killed since the coup took place on June 28th and how many injuries have been reported. Mr. Zelaya secretly returned to Honduras two weeks ago, taking refuge at the Brazilian Embassy.
People are fearing the upcoming elections more than ever. Will enough people vote following mass discomfort with how the last president was removed and will great powers like the United States choose to recognize the election as legitimate, or continue to support the ousted president?
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